
Monday, March 31, 2008

Travel To Down Under

I had the best vacation ever 4 years ago when i visit Australia.My recommendation is to visit this amazing country.I stayed most of my time in Perth, a cosy small city at the western Australia.Two of PerthS favorite beaches are City and Cottesloe - about eight and 12 kilometers away.

Sydney and Melbourne are great cities to, excellent hotels and accomodation.Sunny, sexy, sophisticated Sydney. Sydney basks as the shining star of the southern hemisphere.

Melbourne, the capital of Victoria and a cultural hub, is known for the good things in life, in Melbourne you will find luxury hotels at its best.People here are laid back and very friendly.Great wines and international cuisine.Kangaroo and other exotic animals.So many things to explorer.

Take a road trip through the dessert.Take your next vacation to down-under,its a life time journey.The weather is so different. Spending Christmas at the beach or skiing in August may seem strange but Australia's seasons are the opposite of the northern hemisphere, summer officially starts in December and winter in June. But even in winter you'll enjoy blue skies and warm, bright days.

I had some very nice times in Australia,i visit all the cities mention above and made good friends with some people down under.Australia have great wines and a lot of wineries all over the Western Australia and rest of the country. Shiraz Wines, one of my favorite.

The flights can be enjoyable if you are able to relax and sleep through the most of the time. I have tried many different flights and airline companies and they are all great.Flyingtime is not a problem anymore.

I really recommend you to take a vacation to down under.I made a lot of good friends in Australia so i plan my next vacation to down under. If you enjoy laid back life and good food and wine in a cosy atmosphere with friendly people, its the correct place for you. You have everything, great wild nature and pulsing big cities, animals i never seen before except on TV.

Great aboriginal art.I went to Sydney to see the opera house, amazing, yes that the word for it, and the bridge, yes its something. When you travel to Australia you HAVE to taste some of their famous wines, I'm a wine drinker and there i had some of my best wine experiences. You will find international cuisine in all the big cities. What amazed me most was all the old buildings and so much alike Europe in their building style.

It all started up with prisoners and i must say they did a good job. I envy you who plan your next vacation to Australia and are able to experience this amazing continent before me, I'm planning my trip back in 2007. Have a safe and enjoyable vacation.

Raymond Johnsen is the webmaster of Worldwide Travel Portal. You will find great info and great tools for all your travel needs at his website: Contact webmaster.